Monday, February 7, 2011

Average Monday With The Hurricane

Walking around the house I found a few curiosities I thought I would share. First off it seems that the Hurricane is now taking my beers into the shower, drinking them, and leaving his empties in the shower! And why are there three cans of shaving cream in there? Who knows, my guess is that the bathroom trash can being over one foot away from the shower was a bridge too far to cross.

Wine bottles in the trash can and again his toothbrush just laying in the bottom of the sink. And why do you need to use two deodorant sticks? WTF ever. The bathroom sink chronicles continue.

Looks like he started another house fire, this time the kitchen curtain was the burn victim instead of the microwave, which is still sitting on the counter. Three months now.

And coming home to the house would not be complete with out another symmetrical book stacking incident with the couch cushions, I have the urge to watch Ghostbusters all of a sudden.