Monday, April 4, 2011

The Bathroom Sink Chronicles VII

I snapped this pic of the sink before scrubbing the shit out of the bathroom on Friday. I had to clean because my brother's family was coming over for a beach day and I try to sanitize as much of the Hurricane's filth as possible with kids crawling around.

And the daily battles of Hurricane vs Toilet continue. Although I think I am the only one losing these wars. =\ He continues to use over a roll of TP per day and his discarded TP have become bloodier and bloodier. Oh did I mention he has gone from a 38 waist to a 32 waist in one month? 2 + 2 = ?


  1. This Craigslist creature is so mysterious. I have so many questions. Does he have siblings, where did he come from, has he ever been married, spent time in prison, etc...?

  2. He just found out, at 40 years old, that he has half a brother and sister. His mom was a drug addict, no dad, and was raised by his grandma. He is from NY and worked there most of his life. I will be more specific when I move out and you will know A LOT about him then. But any more details at this point someone could figure out exactly who he is. And, eventually, that is gonna happen in the next few weeks when I send this link to all his coworkers and post it on several websites within his industry.

  3. I can honestly say that every time I want to punch my roommates in the face, reading your blog makes me realize "it could be worse." thanks for raising the bar on horrible living situations!

  4. Ha! Awesome. Glad someone gets some kind of positive out of all this...
