Friday, April 8, 2011

Photos Before An Unsupervised Weekend

I will be gone this weekend like usual so the Hurricane will again be unsupervised for 48 hours. I have not cleaned the house since I had friends over last weekend so the trash tribbles are already multiplying.

His vitamin corner always looks like this, so I don't imagine it will look much worse by Sunday night, but you never know with the Hurricane. The yellow thing is the water filter thing he loves to take into the bathroom while he is shitting and just drink water.

The clean stove didn't last too long. At least there isn't napkins of blood just wadded up on the counter like last time.

And I had to put one of the bathroom sink chronicles pictures here. This was yesterday also. His latest thing he likes is these monster energy drinks. I got a bunch of them for the party last weekend, the big 32oz ones (BFCs) and we never drank them. The Hurricane drank three of these in three days and is now hooked on them. He even told me how awesome they are and that he really likes them. No thanks for buying them, no hey I'll buy you more, just told me how much he enjoys drinking my fucking monsters. Thanks asshole.

And just for fun I took a picture of part of my closet. You can see that I now have to hide freaking toilet paper in there otherwise he goes through it all at a pace nearing two rolls per day now. He can just reuse his own dirty TP to wipe his ass since I've discovered that's what he has been doing. Also note my bathroom bag, soap and deodorant on the top shelf, I keep everything in my room, not a single thing gets left anywhere anymore. I've learned my lesson several times over.

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