Monday, May 2, 2011

The Hurricane's Signature

I'm not sure why I found this so interesting. His normal writing appears to be almost completely unreadable. See his 3x5 card notes here, here and here. He is also your typical hoarder, he keeps all kind of trash he accumulates throughout the day in his pockets, crumbled up, then throws it all on the kitchen counter when he comes home from work.

I love seeing his signature on the dozens of receipts that are always laying about. It is a good visual example of level of possible retardation going on with this creature. Two of the three letters you think you can see here aren't even in his name, but this is how he signs everything. Fascinating indeed.

**Photo edited to remove name and identifiable info.

####Update: I didn't even notice this myself till an old friend "JN" pointed it out, but the idiot took the signed copy home with the tip on it that was supposed to be left at the restaurant! "Store Copy" right on the top. hahahah Ah man I love the Hurricane.

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