Thursday, March 10, 2011

Before and After: Wine Left Out Last Night

Yesterday was such a beautiful day at the beach I decided to celebrate with a bottle of wine. I fully intended to finish the bottles because I knew its fate if I didn't. Well I just couldn't do it. I left the quarter bottle of wine and MY wine glass on the counter to see what would happen. I was expecting it to be gone or moved the next morning, little did I know I wouldn't have to wait even that long.

Soon as the Hurricane came home last night I got off the couch and took my dog outside. It was already dark so while my dog was running around in the sand I was on the deck looking inside the big windows. I wasn't out of the house for five seconds before the Hurricane went up to my glass of wine, grabbed it, smelled it and downed it. I was in awe as he started sniffing around the kitchen for anything else I may have left out. This creature is not human, I'm convinced.

In the morning the bottle was indeed finished. No big surprise there, along with his clothes, trash and used dishes sitting on the counter now. Seeing him go after and drink the wine in the glass I was using seconds after walking out of the room was pure comedy. I am really starting to enjoy this creature, I may even miss him when I finally move.

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