Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Trash Tribbles Attack - Part 5

Came home from work last night and cleaned up the house. Before I did I snapped a couple pics of the trash tribbles that have sprung up while I was away for the weekend. I filled up two outdoor trash cans with all this crap.

Soon as I came in the house I knew the Hurricane had come home from lunch. A strand of TP was just laying right in the middle of the hallway outside the bathroom.

Instead of taking the trash out, this creature has learned how to stack full bags on top of full bags. Looks like his couch cushion stacking skills have found new uses.

Another bag on the kitchen counter, half filled with trash.

And of course you can't have a trash tribbles incident without having one right next to the front door!


  1. Found you with StumbleUpon. Gotta ask...

    How does the Hurricane get money for rent?
    Why do you put up with it - why not kick him out??

  2. The hurricane has a good job. He makes like 200k/year. 40 year old man child.

    I cant kick him out, we moved into the rental same time. Im out in a few weeks anyway so this story will be ending soon.
